Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating

1 of 32 products in this brand
Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating is an elastomeric, polymer-based coating specifically formulated for vapor retardation and weatherproofing. It is designed to protect various types of insulation, including sprayed, board, and block insulation. ENCACEL® V CP-45 is known for its exceptional adhesive qualities, outstanding flexibility, and superior vapor retarder properties.

Product Type: Coating, Elastomeric Coating

Features: Acid Resistant, Alkali Resistant, Excellent Flexibility, Fire-Resistant, Flexible, Good Adhesion, Good Toughness, Good Weather Fastness

Application Area: Vapor Retarder

Compatible Substrates & Surfaces: Plastics, Polyurethane (PU) Foam

Application Method: Brush, Spray, Trowel

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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Ready-to-Use Product Features
Product Highlights
  • Finish for all cold insulation systems.
  • It is also recommended for hot, exterior, sprayed polyurethane applications.
  • In both cases, Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating is used as the finish coat after flashing and sealing all metal protrusions throughout the surface of the insulation.
  • Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating can be used as a decorative finish over closed-cell, flexible, cellular plastics.
  • Care must be taken that the adhesive-bonded joint is not adversely affected by the solvent in the vapor retarder.
  • It is not to be used in direct contact with polystyrene foam insulation.
  • Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating can be applied by spray or brush (for applying by glove or trowel, ENCACEL® X CP-40 vapor retarder coating is recommended).
  • With its excellent bridging properties, Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating will provide a smooth finish, even over relatively rough substrates.
  • On large exterior surfaces, such as sprayed polyurethane foam, airless spray provides the most economical and efficient method of application.
  • Over sprayed polyurethane foam, a two-coat, two-color system is suggested to eliminate voids and holidays.
  • It is suggested that Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating be stored at a minimum of 50°F (10°C) just prior to application to achieve optimum results.
  • Outdoor horizontal surfaces must always drain completely.
  • A pitch of at least 1/2” per foot (4 cm/m) is recommended. Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating will not check or crack in exterior applications.
  • The cured film of Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating is fire-resistive and tough, yet flexible.
  • It is resistive to many acids and alkalis.
  • The excellent spray characteristics of the product minimizes the possibility of “pin-holing”, resulting in a uniform, monolithic film.
  • Cetified
  • This product has been tested according to ASTM E84 (Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials).

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Application Method
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
Suggested Specifications

Notes to Specifying Engineer

  • Flashing Prior to the application of the vapor retarder coating system, a complete flashing shall be provided at all metal-to-insulation joints and/or protrusions through the insulation.
  • Uniformity of surface shall be made by cutting or shaving the insulation on these protrusions as necessary.
  • By trowel, apply a 1/16" (0.15 cm) wet coat of CHIL-BYL® CP-76 Joint Sealant a minimum of 3" (7.62 cm) over insulation and metal protrusions.
  • Embed CHIL-GLAS® #10 Glass Fiber Reinforcing Mesh into wet CHIL-BYL® CP-76 a minimum of 3" (7.62 cm) over insulation and metal protrusions.
  • By trowel, apply a 1/8" (0.30 cm) coat of CHIL-BYL® CP-76 over the entire glass fiber reinforcing mesh.
  • Allow a minimum of 24 hours drying time for the applied flashing system.
  • Apply Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating a minimum of 3" (7.62 cm) out over the insulation.
  • When using a solvent vapor retarder such as Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating, the joint sealant to be used shall be CHIL-BYL® CP-76. CHIL- JOINT® CP-70 Joint Sealant should not be used for this application.
  • In applications where insulation has been fabricated with asphalt adhesive or where asphalt has been used as a joint sealant, there may be discoloration of the Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating. This discoloration will not affect the overall physical properties of the dry film.
  • Recommended Spraying Equipment Normal surface irregularities of sprayed polyurethane foam require correct atomization of sprayed coatings in order to achieve uniformity of dry film thickness. Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating can be sprayed with a variety of airless pump models.
Preparation and Application Information

Normal Service

  •  Apply a tack coat of Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating at a thickness of 1/32 inch (0.8 mm).
  • This is equivalent to 2 gal./100 sq. ft. (0.8 l/m2 ).
  • Embed Foster MAST-A- FAB® or CHIL-GLAS® #10 White Membrane into wet tack coat.
  • Smooth membrane to avoid wrinkles and overlap all seams at least 2 inches (5 cm).
  • Apply a finish coat of Encacel Coating at a minimum thickness of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm).
  • This is equivalent to 4 gal./100 sq. ft. (1.6 l/m2 ).
  • This finish coat shall be applied no later than 2 hours after the tack coat and shall completely cover membrane.
  • This application shall provide a minimum dry film thickness of 29 mils (0.7 mm).

Severe and Cryogenic Service

  • After the first two coats have set, 24 hours minimum or until dry, apply an additional coat of Encacel Coating at a thickness of 3/64 inch (1.2 mm).
  • This is equivalent to 3 gal./100 sq. ft. (1.2 l/m2 ).
  • This additional application shall provide a minimum dry film thickness of 42 mils (1.05 mm).
  • On rough or porous insulation surfaces additional product will be required to achieve the full surface dry film thickness.
  • The application rate may need to be increased by up to 20% or more to achieve minimum film thicknesses.
  • User shall determine required material based on specific substrates and application methods.

On Sprayed Polyurethane Foam

  • Many sprayed polyurethane foam systems are different; end user should always perform an adhesion test to ensure that the adhesion of Childers® Encacel® V CP-45 Vapor Retarder Coating to the foam insulation to be used is sufficient.
  • If adhesion is not sufficient the sprayed polyurethane foam may need to be primed prior to the application of coating to improve adhesion.


  • Use a good brush, making strokes as long as possible over the surface.
  • Multiple coats may be needed to achieve the minimum dry film thickness.
  • Do not overwork.

Clean Up

  • Use xylol (flammable) or chlorinated solvent (non-flammable) for cleaning equipment.
  • Dried Encacel Coating is extremely difficult to remove.


Color (Properties)
Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Wet Weight9.7lbs./U.S. gal.ASTM D1475
Average Non-Volatile (by Volume)29% ASTM D2369
Average Non-Volatile (by Weight)46% ASTM D2369
Drying Time (Set to Touch)3 - 4Hours-
Drying Time (Dry Through)24Hours-
Wet Flammability39°CASTM D3278
Water Vapor Permeance (Typical Average at 51 mils dry)0.025permsASTM E96
Water Vapor Permeance (Typical Average at 26 mils dry)0.018permsASTM E96, Procedure A
Water Vapor Permeance (Typical Average at 30 mils dry, at 38°Cand 90% RH)0.05permsASTM F1249
Coverage Range (Varies with substrate and membrane)6gal./100 sq. ft.
Service Temperature Range (to which dry film is subjected)-50 to 220°F
Application Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Application Temperature Range4 - 38°C-
Flame Characteristics
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Smoke Developed (Applied to ¼” Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board)15.0ASTM E84
Flame Spread (Applied to ¼” Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board)10.0ASTM E84
Rate per Coat (Applied to ¼” Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board)25sq. ft./galASTM E84
Flash Point of Liquid Coating (Closed Cup, Applied to ¼” Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board)51.7°CASTM E84

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Regional Availability
  • North America

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
12 months