Tuskbond Infusion 305 - 22L Canister

1 of 57 products in this brand
Tuskbond Infusion 305 - 22L Canister is a sprayable adhesive developed for bonding foam to itself and to timber during the construction of foam plugs. The adhesive is quick to apply and fast drying so plugs can be built quickly. The adhesive is very tacky and can be used as a one or two way stick depending on the strength of bond required.

Product Type: Adhesive

Application Area: Boats

Compatible Substrates & Surfaces: Foam, Polystyrene (PS), Wood

Application Method: Spray

Features: Easy To Apply, Fast Drying, Tacky

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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Ready-to-Use Product Features
Product Features
  • Specific development: perfect for plug building
  • Reduces project time: quick and easy application with a fast drying time
  • Polystyrene compatible

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Application Method
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
Guidelines for Use

Preparation:(22 L)

  • Use in a well Ventilated Area.
  • Surfaces to be bonded should be clean, dry and dust free.
  • Once the hose and gun has been attached to the canister, open the valve fully. Check the connection points for leaks at this time.
  • On first use, the canister may initially take a few seconds to spray correctly. Spray initially onto on a scrap surface to ensure the spray pattern is correct for the application. The trigger restrictor on the gun can be used to set the spray to the required width.


  • Plan the shape of your plug on paper or using CAD software and cut the foam into the required shapes.
  • Using Tuskbond 305 Foam Bonding Adhesive, bond the pieces of foam together to form the shape of the plug.
  • Once the adhesive has cured, sand down the foam to shape the plug.
  • Apply a suitable body filler to the plug, try and keep it as smooth as possible. If possible, leave one area free of filler to give the plug somewhere to be secured later.
  • Sand down the plug to remove any high areas. To make the next step easier, bond the plug to a piece of timber or polypropylene.
  • Using Tuskbond 305 as a one-way bond will make it easier to remove the plug later.
  • Apply a suitable pattern coat primer to the plug, ensuring a full drip free coverage. Once cured, sand down the pattern coat removing any high spots and even out low areas. If the sanding breaks through the pattern coat to the layers below, fill in with some body filler and re-sand.
  • Apply a second coat of pattern coat and again sand down. Later, apply a third coat of pattern coat primer and once cured, continue to sand lowering the grit of the sandpaper until a good, smooth, satin finish is achieved.
  • For high end applications, a gloss primer can be added and polished as a final step to give a shiny, gloss finish to the plug.


Physical Form

Packaging & Availability

Country Availability
Regional Availability
  • Africa
  • Europe
  • India
  • Middle East
Packaging Size

Available Size:

  • 22L Canister

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
12 months
Disposal Information
  • Once the canister is empty of any hazardous materials and depressurised, it can be considered as scrap metal, in accordance with the national or local waste company, under code EWC 15 01 04* (empty aerosol, non-hazardous residues).
  • Canisters and aerosols that are still pressurised and contain product should be disposed of in accordance with the national or local waste company under code EWC 16 05 04* (full or partially empty aerosol).
Storage & Shelf Life
  • Protect from extremes of temperature in a controlled environment between 15 and 35°C, and away from direct sunlight. Do not stand on a cold concrete floor. Low temperatures can result in irreparable separation of the adhesive.
  • Stored under the correct conditions, in original, unopened containers, the product will have a shelf life of 12 months. The adhesive will have a limited life once the container is opened.