Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
Features & Benefits
- Ready-to-Use Product Features
- Product Highlights
- High mechanical strength
- High abrasion resistance
- Good hydrolysis stability
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Application Area
- Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
- Usage Information
The adhesive is sprayed on the rigid substrate as a regular and thin layer without excess. The flock fibers are applied onto the humid adhesive film. Equipment, containers, hoses, etc. which come into contact with Thermonex® 080-03A Flock must be of corrosion re- sistant material (i.e. stainless steel 1.4541 or 1.4571 or plastic) to avoid coagulation. Any contact with non- ferrous metals (like hoses, sealing rings, filter bodies, etc.) must be avoided in any case. The adhesive can be applied by spraying out of a pressure pot or with au- tomated mixing systems. The use of HVLP spray guns minimizes overspray. For more details please contact our technical service team.Drying
The recommended maximum drying temperature can be found in the technical data section. Drying with dry air (< 10 % rel. humidity) leads to a faster and very gentle drying process. During the drying process, the humidity in the drying channel increases strongly. The excessive moisture content must be reduced either by fresh air supply or by drying out physically. Caution: The drying time is influenced by the absorbency of the sur- face, drying temperature, coating weight, air humidity etc. and needs to be checked under real life conditions.
- Application Information
The adhesive is sprayed on the rigid substrate as a regular and thin layer without excess. The flock fibres are applied onto the humid adhesive film. Equipment, containers, hoses, etc. which come into contact with Thermonex® 080-03A Flock must be of corrosion re- sistant material (i.e. stainless steel 1.4541 or 1.4571 or plastic) to avoid coagulation. Any contact with non- ferrous metals (like hoses, sealing rings, filter bodies, etc.) must be avoided in any case. The adhesive can be applied by spraying out of a pressure pot or with au- tomated mixing systems. The use of HVLP spray guns minimizes overspray. For more details please contact our technical service team.Drying
The recommended maximum drying temperature can be found in the technical data section. Drying with dry air (< 10 % rel. humidity) leads to a faster and very gentle drying process. During the drying process, the humidity in the drying channel increases strongly. The excessive moisture content must be reduced either by fresh air supply or by drying out physically. Caution: The drying time is influenced by the absorbency of the sur- face, drying temperature, coating weight, air humidity etc. and needs to be checked under real life conditions.
- Physical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Density (Part A) 1.12 g/cm³ DIN EN ISO 2811-1 Solid Content (by Weight (Part A)) 45 - 51 % Internal HBF Standard PSA 10 - Cured Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Curing Time 3 - 7 Days - - Processing Parameters
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Storage Temperature (Part A) 10 - 35 °C - Viscosity (Part A) 1,800 - 2,600 mPa.s Internal HBF Standard PSA 12, 23 °C Recommended Maximum Drying Temperature (10 min to 20 min*) 40 - 75 °C - - Uncured Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Pot Life (at 20°C) min. 8 Hours Internal HBF Standard PSA 15 Pot Life (at 35°C) min. 4 Hours Internal HBF Standard PSA 15 Processing Temperature min. 18 °C - Open Time min. 10 Minutes - Consumption 140 - 220 g/m² - - Note
*Ventilated oven, depending on part size and coating weight
Packaging & Availability
- Regional Availability
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life
- 6 months (Part A)
- Storage Conditions
Thermonex® 080-03A Flock should be used within the shelf life specified on the packaging. The storage sta- bility applies to material stored under appropriate condi- tions only (original unopened containers, recommended storage temperature).