Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive

1 of 42 products in this brand
Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive is an exciting, new, patented*, essentially VOC-free, all-weather insulation adhesive manufactured with an industry-leading 45%** rapidly renewable material content. Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive carries all of the equivalent FM approvals of our highly popular One Step Foamable Adhesive® and is designed for use with our One StepTM application process. Our One Step™ application process eliminates errors due to poor mixing. The application process is quick and easy, resulting in significant labor savings for the contractor. No expensive, high-maintenance specialty pumps or spray rigs are required.

Chemical Family: Urethanes

Product Type: 2K (2 component) Adhesive, Foamable Adhesive, Reactive Adhesive, Structural Adhesive

Application Area: Cover Boards, Roofing Substrates, Roofs

Compatible Substrates & Surfaces: Asphalt, Concrete, Gypsum, Metal, Perlite, Steel, Textiles, Wood, Wool

Features: Good Weather Fastness, Low Foaming

Technical Data Sheet

Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Ready-to-Use Product Features
Key Attributes
Features Benefits
45% rapidly renewable material content

Maximum green building credits

No temperature restrictions

Suitable for all climates

One Step™ technology Easy to apply

Remains flexible, absorbs stresses

Low rise foam

Accommodates minor surface irregularities

Replaces fasteners

Minimizes penetrations and deck corrosion


Requires no mixing, reduces labor coasts


*CA 2,806,848 C; CA 2,767,015 C
**45% rapidly renewable content independently certified by Iowa
State University on 6-23-2008.

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
Basic Use

Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive is designed for use as an adhesive for bonding approved roof insulations to a building’s structural roof deck, base sheets, other insulation boards, and smooth or properly prepared gravel built-up roof surfaces. Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive eliminates the need for mechanical fasteners that can often cause damage to the roof deck, which can reduce the roof’s service life.

Approved Insulations and Substrates
  • HD wood fiber
  • Polyisocyanurate
  • Perlite (upon approval)
  • Polystirene
  • Gypsum cover board
  • Asphaltic cover boards
  • Concrete
  • Gypsum roof deck
  • Cementitious wood fiber
  • Wood or steel
  • Mineral wool
  • Lightweight insulating concrete
  • Modified bitumen membranes
  • and base sheets (sanded or granule surfaced)
  • Approved insulations (multi-layer applications)
  • Smooth or gravel surface built-up roof (re-roof applications)
  • Do not apply to wet or damp surfaces.
  • Not recommended for use with insulation boards larger than 4’ x 4’ (1.2m x 1.2m).
  • Do not use warped or curled insulation boards. All insulation boards must lay flat upon the roof surface.
  • When applying Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive over a smooth or sanded APP roof surface Millennium Surface Treatment may be required.

The fast and dependable One Step™ applicators make applying Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive® simple:

  • Patented Multi-Bead Plus Applicator*
  • Patented Multi-Bead Applicator**
  • Battery Powered Single Bead Applicator
  • Pneumatic Single Bead Applicator
  • Ultra Drive Manual Applicator
  • Heavy Duty Manual Applicator
Surface Preparation

All work surfaces should be clean, dry, and free of dirt, dust, debris, oils, loose and/or embedded gravel, un-adhered coatings, deteriorated membrane and other contaminants that may result in a surface that is not sound or is uneven. For applications over existing weathered asphalt or coal tar pitch BUR, apply Millennium Universal Primer prior to the application of Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive. For applications over fresh and/or non-oxidized asphalt, coal tar or plastic film membranes, apply Millennium Surface Treatment prior to the application of Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive.

Application Method

1. Remove snap off tip from the One Step™ mixing head and keep for re-use.

2. Attach a One Step™ mixing nozzle to the threaded mixing head.

3. Place the cartridge into the appropriate One Step™ applicator. Caution: Adhesive should be dispensed immediately after loading the cartridge into the dispensing tool to prevent adhesive from foaming and curing in the mixing tip.

4. Apply Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive directly to the substrate, using a ribbon pattern. Space 1/4” to 1/2” (0.6cm to 1.3cm) wide beads, 12” (30cm) o.c., to achieve proper coverage rates for insulation attachment. As adhesive is applied, immediately place insulation board into wet adhesive. Do not allow the adhesive to skin over. Eliminate uneven surfaces to ensure positive contact between the insulation board and substrate.

5. Un-used material can be applied at a later date by simply removing the used static mixing tip, wiping the neck of the cartridge clean and plugging the cartridges with provided snap off tips.

6. Caution: Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive reacts quickly in warm, moist climates. Roofers must set insulation boards quickly in these conditions.

Note on Equipment

*US 9,381,536 B2
**US 7,056,556 B2; US D501,855 S; CA 2,493,739 C


Color (Properties)

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Regional Availability
  • Africa
  • Australia & New Zealand (ANZ)
  • Europe (Excluding Russia)
  • India
  • Latin America
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • South East Asia
Packaging and Coverage

Millennium One Step Green® Foamable Adhesive is available in the following package:

Cartridge Size Case Part # Cartridges/Case
1.5 Liter OS-GR15-04 4

Covers 600 sq ft (56m2) per case. Coverage estimates indicate total square feet of insulation attachment per case. Rates are based on an application pattern of 4 ribbons, 1/4” to 1/2” (0.6cm to 1.3cm) wide, 12”(30cm) o.c. per 4’ x 4’ (1.2m x 1.2m) insulation board. Coverage rates my be lower when used over irregular surfaces and will vary depending on roughness.