Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Foam Type
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Equipment Features
- Ready-to-Use Product Features
- Product Highlights
- EV Protect 4006 SFR is generally dispensed using a high speed dynamic mixer head directly into the battery module.
- The low viscosity liquid is easily able to flow and self level at the bottom of the enclosure.
- Once leveled, the material will foam and rise to approximately 5 times volumetric expansion.
- After rising, the foam will crosslink and cure creating a semi-structural interconnected foam that encapsulates all components within the module.
- In the event of a thermal event, the foam will absorb, isolate, and insulate the cells to mitigate thermal propagation.
- EV Protect 4006-A SFR / 4006-B SFR is a two-component material. Hand mixing may be difficult.
- It is recommended that an automated dispensing unit be used with dynamic mixer to mix material.
- Prior to use, stir the individual parts to ensure they are uniform and homogeneous.
- Mixing the 4006-A-SFR prior to use for 5 minutes is essential to achieve a consistent foam density and cell structure.
- Check the container bottom for sediment after mixing to ensure filler is mixed in.
- If an extended shutdown or break in produc tion has occurred (> 1 hour) re-mix part A side prior to use.
- Note: Pail or Drum size containers may require longer mixing times. Surface must be clean, dry, and free from grease, oil, wax and other surface contaminates.
- Product Highlights
Technology/Base Polyurethane Foam Type of Product Encapsulant Components Two Component Curing Room Temperature Cure - Product Highlights
- Reduces thermal propagation
- Ultra lightweight
- Low viscosity & self leveling
- Great vibration and impact resistance
- Outstanding insulation properties
- No outgassing of hydrogen gas during curing
- Meets UL94 V0 certification
- Up to 5 times expansion rate
- Cost effective - low volume usage
- Fast processability
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Application Area
- Product End Uses
- Hand Mixing Instructions for Foams
- Per the stated mix ratio, measure out (either by weight or volume) the appropriate portions of Part A and Part B as into a flat sided container.
- The mixing container should be larger than the amount of total material being mixed to allow for vigorous mixing. For example, for 75 grams of total material we suggest a minimum size of 150 ml container for mixing. For larger amounts, adjust container size appropriately.
- Generally it’s recommended to add the higher density part into the flat sided mixing container first and then add the other part gently on top of the first part.
- This helps limit pre-reaction of the materials to just the interphase. Scrape the side and bottom of the individual parts container’s to ensure nearly all the measured materials are added to the mixing container.
- Start timer and immediately mix vigorously for 20-30 seconds with a spatula or flat sided stir stick. Thoroughly scraping the sides and bottom of cup while mixing. Mixed material should be homogeneous and uniform in appearance.
- At end of mixing time, immediately pour mixed material into mold.
- Immediately clean all tools used in preparations that you wish to reuse with solvent.
- Physical Form
- Appearance
- Light amber low viscosity liquid
- Electrical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Dielectric Constant (1MHz) 1.4 - ASTM D-0150 Dielectric Strength 3.0 kV/mm ASTM D149 Dissipation Factor (1MHz) 0.029 - ASTM D-0150 Surface Resistivity 7.7 x 10¹² ohm ASTM D-0257 Volume Resistivity 5.1 x 10¹¹ ohm - cm ASTM D-0257 - Cured Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Foam Density (Free Rise) 0.16 - 0.19 g/cm³ - Foam Density (Free Rise) 10 - 12 pcf - Hardness (for 24 hrs,Shore A) 20 - 30 - - Hardness (for 48 hrs,Shore A) 35 - 45 - - Operating Temperature Range - 60 to 120 °C - Thermal Conductivity 0.05 W/m - K - - Uncured Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Cream Time (at 25°C, Blend) 180 - 240 Seconds - Mix Ratio By Volume (ASFR) 100 - - Mix Ratio By Volume (BSFR) 81 - - Mix Ratio By Weight (ASFR) 100 - - Mix Ratio By Weight (BSFR) 86 - - Specific Gravity (ASFR) 1.17 g/cm³ D792/D1475 Specific Gravity (BSFR) 1.25 g/cm³ D792/D1475 Tack Free Time (at 25°C, Blend) approx. 60 Minutes - Viscosity (at 25°C, ASFR) 500 cPs - Viscosity (at 25°C, BSFR) 160 cPs - Working Time (at 25°C, Blend) 120 Seconds -
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Regional Availability
- Packaging Information
- 5 gal Pails
- 55 gal Drums
- 300 gal Totes
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life
- 1 year
- Storage and Handling Conditions
- EV Protect 4006 SFR should be stored in a cool, dry place above 15°C (60°F).
- Purge open containers with dry nitrogen.
- Shelf life is a minimum of one year in unopened containers when stored at 25°C.
- For cleanup of EV Protect 4006 SFR, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Acetone, Dibasic Ester, Ethyl Acetate, or Mineral Spirits are recommended.
- Mineral oil can be used to flush uncured materials from lines.
- To clean uncured material from tabletops, tools or spatulas, additional cleaning solvent options are Isopropanol and Denatured Alcohol.