FULLABOND VL580 is are specially formulated high tack, long open time adhesive designed for the lamination of foils and films to various board stocks. It has a high initial tack level and good grab. It has a medium set speed and has a fair degree of water resistance

Product Type: Adhesive

Application Area: Board, Lamination

Compatible Substrates & Surfaces: Foils

Application Method: Roller, Wheel

Features: Good Grab, Good Initial Tack, High Tack, Long Open Time, Medium Setting Speed, Water Resistant

Technical Data Sheet
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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Ready-to-Use Product Features
Product Benefits

FULLABOND VL 580 has a high initial tack level and good grab. It has a medium set speed and has a fair degree of water resistance

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Application Method
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
Application Instructions
  • FULLABOND VL580 is primarily designed to be applied by roller or wheel.
  • For optimum performance this product should be used within operating temperatures of 15°C to 30°C.Ensure substrates are free form oils dirt or grease.


Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Solid Contentapprox. 57%-
Viscosity (Spindle 3, 20rpm, at 25°C)2,800 - 3,500cPs-
pH6.5 - 8.5--
Specific GravityCirapprox 1.08--

Packaging & Availability

Regional Availability
  • Australia & New Zealand (ANZ)

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
12 months
Storage Conditions

Product should be stored in the original container out of direct sunlight between 15°C and 30°C and be protected from freezing. Rotate stock using oldest batches first. Close containers air tight after use.