Full-Care® 7300 is a hot-melt adhesive designed for use in the construction of disposable baby diapers. One of the key features and benefits of Full-Care® 7300 is its ability to provide the highest final core integrity in diaper construction. Another advantage of Full-Care® 7300 is its long open time, which refers to the extended period during which the adhesive remains workable and allows for assembly. The primary application of Full-Care® 7300 is in the core construction of disposable baby diapers.

Product Type: Hot Melt Adhesive, Hot Melt Nonreactive Adhesive

Features: High Capacity of Penetration, Long Open Time, Superior Dry Peel Strength

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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Ready-to-Use Product Features
Final Product Quality
  • Thinner cores maximize the number of diapers on the supermarket shelf, minimize transportation costs and deliver more comfort and mobility in use
  • Padlock technology delivers enhanced wet core integrity and eliminates the risk of fractured and separated pads
  • Products containing Padlock technology maintain the desired level of fluid acquisition and reduce the potential for leak
  • Full-Care 7300 with Padlock technology delivers the opportunity to reduce the amount of fluff to produce thinner cores with improved core stability

Applications & Uses

Product Optimization
  • Full-Care 7300 with Padlock technology delivers optimal performance when sprayed directly on to the core, but can also be applied to the poly back-sheet or core wrapping material
  • Full-Care 7300 with Padlock technology is ideal for spray or melt blown application methods using standard equipment with minimum air pressure

Packaging & Availability

Regional Availability
  • Africa
  • Europe (Excluding Russia)
  • India
  • Latin America
  • Middle East
  • North America