Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Product Type
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Ready-to-Use Product Features
- Product Highlights
- MONOLAR® COATING provides outstanding weather barrier protection, showing good color retention, excellent chemical resistance and durability.
- It has excellent resistance to UV and sunlight.
- MONOLAR® COATING provides outstanding weather barrier and vapor retarder protection for sprayed polyurethane foam in outdoor locations.
- It is a one-component, high film-strength product, usually applied in two coats with standard airless spray equipment.
- It sprays easily and cleanly with a minimum of cobwebbing.
- MONOLAR® COATING is an ideal finish for flexible cellular insulation tubing and sheets.
- Apply by brush in two coats.
- MONOLAR® COATING meets NFPA 90A and 90B 25/50 requirements.
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Application Method
- Preparation and Application Information
Material Preparation
- Stir well.
- Do Not Thin.
- Apply only to clean, dry surfaces.
- Keep container closed when not in use to prevent solvent evaporation.
- To prevent water vapor and moisture infiltration, proper and complete flashing is required.
- Follow flashing specifications.
- Normal Service: Apply a tack coat of MONOLAR® Coating at a thickness of 1/32 inch (0.8 mm).This is equivalent to 2 gal./100 sq. ft. (0.8 l/m2 ). Embed Foster MAST- A-FAB® or CHIL-GLAS® #10 White Membrane into wet tack coat. Smooth membrane to avoid wrinkles and overlap all seams at least 2 inches (5 cm). Apply a finish coat of MONOLAR® Coating at a minimum thickness of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). This is equivalent to 4 gal./100 sq. ft. (1.6 l/m2 ). This finish coat shall be applied no later than 2 hours after the tack coat and shall completely cover membrane. This application shall provide a minimum dry film thickness of 29 mils (0.7 mm).
- Severe and Cryogenic Service: After the first two coats have set, 24 hours minimum or until dry, apply an additional coat of MONOLAR® Coating at a thickness of 3/64 inch (1.2 mm). This is equivalent to 3 gal./100 sq. ft. (1.2 l/m2 ). This additional application shall provide a minimum dry film thickness of 42 mils (1.05 mm). On rough or porous insulation surfaces additional product will be required to achieve the full surface dry film thickness. The application rate may need to be increased by up to 20% or more to achieve minimum film thicknesses. User shall determine required material based on specific substrates and application methods.
- On Sprayed Polyurethane Foam: Many sprayed polyurethane foam systems are different; end user should always perform an adhesion test to ensure that the adhesion of MONOLAR® Coating to the foam insulation to be used is sufficient. If adhesion is not sufficient the sprayed polyurethane foam may need to be primed prior to the application of MONOLAR® Coating to improve adhesion. See FC-1T Guide Specification.
- Spray: MONOLAR® Coating may be airless spray applied. For spray equipment information, please consult Airless Spray Recommendations or contact your airless spray equipment supplier. Average viscosity range: 10,000 – 30,000 cps.
- Brush: Use a good brush, making strokes as long as possible over the surface. Multiple coats may be needed to achieve the minimum dry film thickness. Do not overwork. Best appearance may be achieved by smoothing wet MONOLAR® Coating with a clean brush dampened with detergent (not soap) foam, being careful not to pick up any MONOLAR® on the brush.
Clean Up
- Use xylol (flammable) or chlorinated solvent (non-flammable) for cleaning equipment. Dried MONOLAR® Coating is extremely difficult to remove.
- Physical Form
- Typical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Average Weight / U.S. Gallon 9.5 - 9.9 lbs. ASTM D1475 Average Non-Volatile (by Volume) 29 % ASTM D2369 Average Non-Volatile (by Weight) 46 % ASTM D2369 Coverage Range 6 gal./100 sq. ft - Drying Time (Set to Touch) 3 - 4 Hours - Drying Time (Dry Through) 24 Hours - Flash Point 103 °F ASTM D3278 Water Vapor Permeance (at at 45 mils) 0.03 perms ASTM E96, Procedure A Water Vapor Permeance (at 100°F, 90% RH, 45 mils dry) 0.05 perms ASTM F1249 - Application Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Service Temperature Limits (at coated surface) -50 to 220 °F - Flame Characteristics
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Flame Spread ¹ 10 ASTM E84 Smoke Developed ¹ 15 ASTM E84
Regulatory & Compliance
- Certifications & Compliance
- Chemical Inventories
Packaging & Availability
- Regional Availability
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life
- 12 months
- Handling Conditions
- Store and apply between 40°F (4°C) and 100°F (38°C).
- For best results, select ELASTOLAR® 95-44 for insulation joint sealing under MONOLAR® COATING.
- Always test plastic materials for compatibility when using a solvent-based product.
- Outdoor horizontal surfaces must always drain completely.
- A pitch of at least 1/2” per foot (4 cm/m) is recommended.
- Make certain this product is completely dry and the area free from solvent odor if food is involved.
- Select MONOLAR® MASTIC 60-90 (white) or 60-91 (gray) for trowel or glove application.