Foster® Eclipse™ Coating 40-11

1 of 92 products in this brand
Foster® Eclipse™ Coating 40-11 is a low-odor, fast-setting, water-based surfacing material designed for field or shop application to faced or unfaced fiberglass duct liner or fiberglass duct board insulation. Its low viscosity enables application with a wide range of spray equipment available in the market.

Product Type: Coating, Waterborne Coating

Features: Low Odor, Low Viscosity, Water Resistant, Water-based

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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Ready-to-Use Product Features
Product Highlights
  • ECLIPSE™ COATING dries to form an effective air erosion preventive surfacing material sealing and reinforcing the surface of new or aged duct liner insulation materials.
  • ECLIPSE™ COATING is non-flammable when wet and extremely fire-resistive when dry.
  • When tested on both faced and unfaced fiberglass duct liner insulation, it produced flame and smoke ratings below the 25/50 NFPA 90A and 90B requirements.
  • The dry film stays flexible and moisture resistant.
  • It will not cause flash rusting on metal surfaces.
  • When dry, Eclipse™ Coating resists mold, fungus, discoloration from mildew and stains by mold.
  • Its extremely high level of resistance enhances the longevity of the material.
  • ECLIPSE™ COATING meets NFPA 90A and 90B 25/50 requirements.
  • FOSTER® ECLIPSE™ COATING 40-11 meets the requirements of:
    • MAS Certified Green®
    • California Dept. of Public Health Standard Method v1.2
    • VOC Emissions and Content requirements to contribute to LEED v4 EQ Credit: Low Emitting Materials – Paints and Coatings
    • Collaborative for High Performance Schools EQ 7.1

Applications & Uses

  • Apply between 50°F (10°C) and 100°F (38°C) with less than 70% RH air conditions maintained until dry.
  • Water-based products may corrode carbon steel spray equipment.
  • Corrosion resistant pumps and fittings are suggested.
  • For interior use only.
  • Do Not Dilute.
Preparation and Application Information

Material Preparation

  • Do Not Thin.
  • Apply only to clean, dry surfaces.
  • Keep container closed when not in use.

Surface Preparation 

  • Lined air ducts should be thoroughly cleaned to remove all mold, dust and loose particles, being careful not to tear or loosen the liner.
  • Galvanized surfaces need to be vacuumed or washed clean of all accumulated mold, dust and loose particles.
  • Following complete cleaning procedures, sanitize the entire air duct surfaces with an approved sanitizer following manufacturer’s directions.
  • Ensure that all interior surfaces are thoroughly dry before applying Eclipse™ Coating (40-11).
  • All rusted metal surfaces must be primed before application of Eclipse™ Coating.
  • It may be applied directly onto cleaned, unrusted, galvanized surfaces.


  • Always ensure adequate ventilation by using negative air pressure in the HVAC system during application.
  • Apply Eclipse™ Coating to all surfaces by brush or airless spray at the required rate (see front page).
  • Brushing will require two coats applied at 90° to each other.
  • Under normal circumstances, a spray application can be completed in one coat, but for extremely porous or irregular surfaces, a second coat may be required.
  • Eclipse™ Coating has been designed with an average viscosity range of between 4,000 and 6,000 cps, enabling application by virtually any type of electric airless spray equipment.
  • Ensure that the finished surface is smooth and well- sealed.


  • Continue to circulate fresh air throughout the system during the application and for as long after the application as is possible.
  • Circulated air should be exhausted outside the building.
  • If air must be exhausted inside the building, filtration through a charcoal medium is suggested.
  • This circulation and filtration helps to reduce the dry time of the coating and reduce latex-type odors that could possibly migrate from the application area.
  • Be sure exhausted air is odorless before venting into occupied spaces.


  • Normal cleaning procedures must be maintained in HVAC systems to remove accumulated airborne particles.
Cleaning Information
  • Use fresh water to clean brushes before product dries.
  • While the product is still wet, flush the equipment with a solution comprised of 1/2 cup sudsy ammonia, 1/2 cup pine oil cleanser, and 4 gallons of cool water.
  • Flush until material exiting pump shows no evidence of Eclipse™Coating.
  • Dry product may be removed with chlorinated solvents (non-flammable) or xylol (flammable).


Color (Properties)
Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Average Weight11.0lbs.ASTM D1475
Average Non-Volatile (by Volume)35.0% ASTM D2369
Average Non-Volatile (by Weight)51.0% ASTM D2369
Drying Time (Set to Touch)6.0Hours-
Drying Time (Dry Through)24.0Hours-
Wet Flammability100.0°C-
Coverage Range ²0.67 to 2.0gal./100 sq. ft.
Application Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Service Temperature Limits (at coated surface)-50 to 180°F
Flame Characteristics
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Flame Spread ¹10ASTM E84
Smoke Developed ¹5ASTM E84

¹ - Tested at coverage rate of 150 sq. ft./gal. (3.68 m2 /l). Applied to 1" (25 mm) faced duct liner. The flame spread may vary at different product thicknesses and/or when applied over other surfaces.

² - Subject to the nature of material being coated. Wet coverages shown below are for smooth, non-eroded surfaces. Eroded, rough or low density surfaces may require higher gallonage to attain required surface sealing.

0.011 to 0.032 in. wet thickness (0.27 to 0.81 mm)

Regulatory & Compliance

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
12 months
Storage Condition
  • Store between 40°F (4°C) and 100°F (38°C).
  • Protect from freezing until dry.