Foster® Chil-Bridge™ CP-211

1 of 78 products in this brand
Foster® Chil-Bridge™ CP-211 is a polymeric, water-based coating designed for the protection and isolation of asbestos-containing materials (ACM). It is suitable for use in both indoor and outdoor applications. When applied over various forms of ACM, it effectively bridges, encases, and seals friable asbestos fibers.

Product Type: Encapsulant, Waterborne Coating

Application Area: Air Ducts, Ductwork, Equipment, Pipe Fittings, Pipes

Application Method: Brush, Spray

Features: Durable, Good Bonding Strength, Good Toughness, Mechanical Stability, Water-based

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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Ready-to-Use Product Features
Product Highlights
  • Chil-Bridge™ CP-211 bridging encasement/encapsulant coating is applied over ACM when bridging encapsulation has been determined to be the most appropriate asbestos abatement control method, and when complete removal of asbestos containing materials is not practical due to inaccessibility or other existing limitations.
  • Chil-Bridge™ CP-211 bridging encasement/encapsulant coating is applied to previously encapsulated ACM on piping, fittings, ductwork, and equipment.
  • Chil-Bridge™ CP-211 bridging encasement/encapsulant coating seals and bonds to ACM and to adjacent surfaces and materials.
  • Once dry, the resultant film is tough, durable, and pliable; it will prevent damage due to mechanical abuse in the removal efforts, which could allow asbestos fibers to become airborne. The encasement/encapsulant coating permits ACM to be handled more efficiently and safely.
  • Chil-Bridge™ CP-211 meets the requirements of NFPA 90A and 90B 25/50 requirements.
  • Meets requirements for LEED IEQ 4.2 Low-Emitting Materials, Paints and Coatings.

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Application Method
Preparation and Application Information

Material Preparation

  • Use Chil-Bridge™ CP-211 as supplied.
  • Do Not Dilute or Thin.
  • Store at room temperature 25°C prior to application to achieve best results.
  • Keep from freezing.

Spray Application 

  • Chil-Bridge™ CP-211 coating may be sprayed with many types of equipment, including airless spray.
  • It may also be sprayed with conventional mastic spray equipment using an external atomizing spray gun.
  • For best results, foster recommends the following airless spray equipment.
  • Average viscosity range: 100,000-130,000 cps.
  • Pump: Graco bulldog hydramastic, 40:1 ratio (model 204-925) air regulator with inductor plate (207-039).
  • Compressor: Capable of 75 cfm and maintaining 100 psig.
  • Fluid hose: High pressure capable of 4,000 psi. One inch up to 150 feet. 3/4 inch after the first 150 feet. Use 8' (2.4 m) 1/2" I.D. Hose for coupling to the gun.
  • Gun: Graco hydra-mastic #207-300 with reverse-a-clean 205-614. Tip sizes: 635 to 655.
Cleaning Information
  • Use fresh water to clean equipment before the product dries.
  • Dry product may be removed with hot soapy water or strong solvents such as chlorinated solvent (non-flammable) or xylol (flammable).


Color (Properties)
Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Weight10.9poundsASTM D-1475
Average Non-Volatile (by Volume)66% ASTM D-1644
Average Non-Volatile (by Weight)74% ASTM D-1644
Drying Time (Set to Touch)2HoursASTM D-1640
Drying Time (Dry Through)24 - 36Hours-
Coverage Range2.4gal./100 sq. ft-
Wet Flammability99°CASTM D-3278
Application Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Service Temperature Range-29 to 93°CFSTM 70
Flame Characteristics
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Surface Flame Spread¹10.0ASTM E84
Smoke Developed¹40.0ASTM E84

¹- Applied to 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) inorganic, reinforced cement board at a coverage rate of 6 galllons/100 sq. ft. (2.44 liters/sq. m). The flame spread may vary at different product thicknesses and/or when applied over surfaces other than inorganic, reinforced cement board.

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Regional Availability
  • North America

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
6 months
Handling Conditions
  • Protect from freezing until dry. Do not store over 100°F (38°C).
  • Do not apply below 40°F (4°C) or to surfaces operating at, or intended to operate in, excess of 200°F (93°C) .
  • Not recommended for outdoor horizontal surfaces having a pitch of less that 1/2 inch (4 cm/m) per lineal foot.
  • Not suggested for use on floors.