Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Product Type
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Ready-to-Use Product Features
- Product Highlights
- 95-55 Sealant is primarily used with low temperature insulation to prevent the migration of water and water vapor into the insulation system via butt joints.
- 95-55 Sealant is also recommended as a bedding compound for the installation of cellular glass insulation. In this application, it protects insulation from abrasion as well as water vapor migration at the bore.
- 95-55 Sealant may also be used to seal overlaps in metal jacketing in conjunction with mechanical fastening. The sealant shall be within, not over, the lap joint.
Applications & Uses
- Application Area
- Application Method
- Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
- Preparation and Application Information
Coverage Range
- 12 to 25 sq. ft./gal. (0.29 to 0.61 m2/l)
- 1/8 in. to 1/16 in. wet film thickness (3.2 mm to 1.6 mm)
Drying Time
- Non-Skinning
- Limitations
- Store and apply between 40°F and 100°F.
- Always test solvent plastic materials for compatibility when using a solvent base product.
- Not suggested for use under solvent base mastics and coatings, if minor surface discoloration and/or dirt pick-up would be objectionable. Where Foster 60-95 / 60-96 Monolar coating is being used over sealed insulation joints select Foster 95-50, 30-45N or 95-44 sealants for best results.
- Do not use this product where surface temperature will exceed 200°F.
- Not suggested for use as an exposed flashing compound. Select Foster 95-44 sealant or 95-88 sealant for this purpose.
- Preparation and Application Information
Material Preparation
- Do not thin. Apply only to clean, dry, oil-free surfaces. Keep container closed when not in use. Ensure insulation is well fit before applying sealant. Joint width less than 1/8” (3 mm) for best results. Do not use sealant to fill large gaps.
- Apply by trowel, putty knife or power extrusion. When sealing insulation joints, apply sealant to the edges of abutting sections at 1/16 in. to 1/8 in. (1.6 to 3.2 mm) wet film thickness and press mating surfaces together firmly to squeeze out air bubbles and to obtain complete contact. Strike off excess sealant on surface with trowel.
- Note: Pressurized piping made from copper and aluminum alloys may be susceptible to under insulation corrosion when in direct contact with many materials. When used as a joint sealant direct contact between pressurized pipes made from these metals and the sealant should be prevented.
Clean Up
- Use solvent such as chlorinated solvent (non-flammable) or mineral spirits (flammable) for cleaning tools and equipment.
- Physical Form
- Typical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Average Weight / U.S. Gallon 11.7 lbs. ASTM D1475 Average Non-Volatile (by Volume) 93 % ASTM D2369 Average Non-Volatile (by Weight) 94.5 % ASTM D2369 Permeability 0 Perm-in ASTM E 96, Procedure A VOC Content (Less Water) 80 g/l - - Application Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Service Temperature Range (PIR / Urethane Foam) -163 to 93 °C FSTM 202 Service Temperature Range (Cellular Glass) -105 to 93 °C FSTM 202
Regulatory & Compliance
- Chemical Inventories
Packaging & Availability
- Regional Availability